Thursday, March 29, 2012

Puffy Eyes

I don't much like just putting myself out there... which is probably why creating a blog was a really dumb thing.  BUT, oddly enough, just when I need some place to put my down-in-the-dumps thoughts, I find myself here once again.  Which works out well, thanks to the extremely low readership I've acquired.  (Personal high five to me!  YESSssss!)

But here's the rub.  Today was a truly weird day.  I wake up with my face swollen to oblivion....

allergic to some unknown substance (probably fairy dust - because we all KNOW that even though we want fairies to be beautiful magical creatures, they're really just imp assholes that like to fuck shit up for fun - for serious, google it)..... So my first week back from maternity leave and I already have to call in sick.  Then I go to the doctor (really the ER) - and I'm right in the middle of explaining that I've been swelling up and getting hives for weeks, when my mom informs me that my friend's mom died.  Family friend really.... very very sad, though no unexpected.  And suddenly I'm already to just pack up and leave.  Like, who gives a shit about some simple fairy-induced swelling when someone we know has died?  Seriously.
And the nurse is just sitting there, now unable to talk, giving me a look like: sooooo..... ?
Which is ever so helpful.

We finish at the ER and my mom drives my son and I home.... cuz the fairy dust made me unable to see.  I get my prescription all done.  And you'd think the day would take a sudden turn for the better, but alas it just got weirder.
Someone I pissed my brother off... due to our inability to speak the same language.  And he's all ready to write us out of his will (aka unfriend us on facebook - THE HORROR!)
And somehow I'm wrong... and because I stopped taking the anti-depressants I was taking for postpartum depression, I spiral into a hormonal frenzy of tears.  BUT my sex drive seems to return. *face-palm*
ESPECIALLY because said sex drive returns right as my beautiful baby boy is ready for his nightly meal.... I just know it was those damn fairies again.
So, I sit here, exhausted from the weirdest and most unproductive day thus far with puffy eyes from allergies that haven't cleared up yet and from crying, wishing beyond wish that I could stop facebook stalking my son's dad's non-girlfriend person-thing and just get a damn date already.  But I have no opportunity to meet a guy.  Not even those millionaire dating websites looking worth it. I too should be allowed to date someone creepily twice my age (who has specifically advertised themselves as a 'sugar daddy') so I never have to worry about going to work when the fairies attack my face.  Right?
Damn right.